Today I Woke Up 5 Pounds Thinner

Today I woke up 5 pounds thinner.  At least, in my mind, I did. I didn't get on the scale. I didn't scrutinize my peri-menopausal pooch in the mirror to see if it had changed shape since yesterday. And, I didn't try on the old jeans in the back of the closet. I woke up 5 pounds thinner because I wanted to remember why I liked being that weight and I was wondering if it was worth the effort to get back there. This is what happened:

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Lisa Lewtan Comment
10 Tips To Reduce Sugar Cravings

Did you know that today, the average American consumes 2-3 pounds of sugar each week? Sugar is added to so many foods that we would never suspect like ketchup, bread, and even some peanut butter. Not only can too much sugar cause weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, impaired immune function, and a whole bunch of other chronic diseases BUT…it can also put you in a VERY BAD MOOD. Once you start making the “Food-Mood” connection, saying no is simple. It’s not that I can’t have it, I JUST DON’T WANT IT!

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Lisa LewtanComment
How To Become A Mindful Eater In 10 Days

Don't beat yourself up if you've eaten too much recently. Now is the perfect opportunity to try again, equipped with a new useful tool. Practicing mindful eating can help you avoid the typical holiday weight gain (and the guilt that often follows), but to do it well it does take "training," just as with anything else.

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Lisa LewtanComment
How I Ditched My Inner Skinny Bitch

My inner skinny bitch used to start her day by getting on the scale. If the number was within the three-pound acceptability range, she smiled and reached for the tight fitting Lululemon top. If the number was even half a pound above the outer limit, panic set in. As did crankiness, Spanx panties, and non-stick clothing. The day was off to a bad start. Being a skinny bitch does not mean you are skinny, or even a bitch. It is a state of mind and, for the purposes of this article, it is our inner critic who spends way too much time worrying about the fluctuations on the scale and tummy flab and thus adding even more stress and cortisol to our already stressful lives.

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GeneralLisa LewtanComment
Ballet School Drop-Out

Sadly, by age four I was a ballet school drop-out.  Over the years I went on to become a jazz dance drop-out, ballroom dance drop-out, hip-hop drop-out, and most recently a Zumba drop-out.  This may not seem like a big deal to you, but for me it was a HUGE problem. You see, I have always loved to dance. I’m just not a “dancer.”

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The Perfect 3 Ingredients for Thanksgiving

About eight years ago, I claimed Thanksgiving. Every woman needs a holiday that she can call her own and since cooking brisket wasn’t my thing, this seemed to be a good fit.  Although I could barely boil water at the time, I figured that most Thanksgiving staples could be bought pre-made and I could recruit my dad to carve the turkey. “No-brainer,” I thought.  Then I gave it a go.  Quickly I learned that the magic of Thanksgiving was not based on the moistness of the turkey or the sweetness of the pumpkin pie.  No, the magic comes from a delicate blend of all of the flavors that make up the day. Yes, I had claimed Thanksgiving, but in order to keep it I needed a better recipe.

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