12 Healthy Tips for Surviving the 12 Days of Christmas

Here it comes — that stretch of holiday festivities that bring endless opportunities to overindulge. While it ’tis the season to be jolly, everywhere you turn you come face-to-face with all those tempting holiday foods. Are you worried that the constant exposure to goodies will start to weigh on your willpower like so many choruses of “The 12 Days of Christmas?”

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I'm Not Pregnant, Just Bloated!

Do you ever bloat so much that you look 8 months pregnant?

Well, sometimes I do, and I have for the last 25 years. YIKES!

If you saw me on the street, you probably wouldn’t notice my bloated belly because it is usually stuffed inside my tight jeans or spandex undies. However, if you happened to be present with me as I unzipped my jeans at the end of one of those days, you would crack up and say “whoa - she wasn’t kidding!”

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Have You Thought About Taking a Break From Sugar?

As a Healthy Living Strategist, I help many people eliminate or reduce the sugar in their diets to help them move from feeling like, “I can’t have it” to “I just don’t want it”. I have learned that different approaches work for different people. Some people like to take a break from sugar and get quick results from my “Ditch Your Sugar Itch” program, but others prefer a slow and steady approach.

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